Bitcoin is a good place for beginner crypto inveМаксиМаркетсrs to start, according to the experts we’ve talked to. But you shouldn’t invest in Bitcoin just because others are doing it. More than anything, know what kind of inveМаксиМаркетсr you are and buy Bitcoin only in a way that works МаксиМаркетсh your long-term investment strategy. If there’s one cryptocurrency you should know about, it’s Bitcoin. But while fraudulent credit-card purchases are reversible, bitcoin transactions are not. Each bitcoin has a complicated ID, known as a hexadecimal code, that is many times more difficult to steal than someone’s credit-card information. And since there is a finite number to be accounted for, there is less of a chance bitcoin or fractions of a bitcoin will go missing. Our new digital magazine goes beyond the daily headlines to put crypto and blockchain developments in perspective.