Understanding your dogs behaviour

Understanding your dogs behaviour

How to tell if your dog is happy stress

Below are some simple indicators that can help to signal your dog’s mood for today: A) Dog is…

My dog is afraid of lightning and thunde

Many dogs are afraid of lightning and thunder; they go crazy or freak out when they hear thunders…

Understanding Your Dog Through Signals

Even though a dog cannot speak and has no hands and fingers for gesturing, you can watch some…

Weird Dog Behaviors During Meal Times

Have you ever encountered times when your dog refused to eat after you prepared its meal? Then the…

Why Does My Dog Eat His Own Faeces

There are a number of possibilities which experts have concluded why a dog would eat its own feces.…

Why Does My Dog Have A Tendency To Step On My Foot

Have you wondered why your dog keeps stepping on your feet, or worse still, your dog stands on…