Understanding your dogs behaviour

Understanding your dogs behaviour

Why Does My Dog Keep Scratching

If your dog is exhibiting one or all of the following signs, Scratching, biting and chewing at the…

Why Does My Dog Eat Grass

Some possible reasons: 1) The dog feels sick and wants to induce vomitting by gulping the grass down…

Why Does My Dog Pee When He Sees Me

In the course of fostering and getting dogs adopted out to new homes, we have come across a…

Why Do Dogs Shed Fur How Often And What Is The Solution

Why? Shedding is a natural loss of fur (hair) in dogs that allows the new coat to come…

Why Do Dogs Lick Each Others Private Parts

Dogs have a simple mind and they always relate by their natural senses such as smell and touch.…

Why Do Dogs Eat Their Vomit

In the Bible, we read of two scriptures that describe about dogs eating their own vomit. Proverbs 26:11…